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Here you will find all the documentation you need for our products, including manuals, product overviews and troubleshooting help. Also take a look at our knowledge centre!
In our catalogue you will find a complete overview of the products we sell!
OptiClimate Manuals:
- OptiClimate PRO 3 and PRO 4 (Inverter)
- OptiClimate PRO 3 and PRO 4 Split (Inverter)
- OptiClimate Revomax
- OptiClimate Fan Pump Controller
- OptiClimate Watercooler
Product Overview of OptiClimate:
OptiClimate brochures:
Error Video's for OptiClimate:
- For video assistance in troubleshooting error messages, please visit our dedicated error videos page https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCurTAtUluQdh2F-Iqt_fYZw.
DimLux Manuals:
Product Overview of DimLux:
DimLux brochures:
- DimLux Xtreme Series LED whitepaper
- DimLux Xtreme Series LED UV-A + NIR ADD-ON whitepaper
- DimLux Xtreme Output California Spec Bulb
- DimLux Xplore Series 730W (9X)
- DimLux Xplore Series 800W
- Dimlux Xtreme LED MKII
Manual of UvonAir:
Brochure from UvonAir: